
沉浸式體(tǐ)驗空間采用 CAVE 沉浸式虛拟現實顯示系統,把高分(fēn)辨率的立體(tǐ)投影顯示技術、多通道視景同步技術、音響技術、傳感器技術等完美地融合,産生(shēng)一(yī)個被三維立體(tǐ)投影畫面包圍的供多人使用的完全沉浸式的虛拟環境。 

The immersion experience space uses the immersion virtual reality display system of CAVE, which integrates high resolution stereo projection display technology, multi-channel scene synchronization technology, audio technology and sensor technology perfectly, and produces a fully immersed virtual environment surrounded by three-dimensional stereo projection screen for many people to use.
